Bank On The Best

Bank on the Best

8-time World/Reserve Champion
2016 AQHA /APHA Dark Liver Chestnut Overo Stallion
7 Panel Negative (OLWS Negative)  - Homozygous in W35 

 Carries W20 Gene • Homozygous Red (ee) & Agouti (AA)

AQHA & APHA Multiple World Champion Stallion

World Champion Sire

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Bank On The Best Pedigree

Bank on the Best comes from a long line of World Champions and producers in the AQHA and APHA arena. Lopin My Best is a sire of Congress Reserve Champion, and multiple futurity winners. RL Best of Sudden 2004 Reichert 2 year old Western Pleasure $1000 Open Champion and sire of Open World and Congress Champion. AQHA point earners of over 19,000 points Get Earning in excess of 2 million dollars. Simply Hot and Slow is a World Champion producer.

“The moment that people lay eyes on Bank on the Best, they are compelled to come closer for a deeper look or visit; and not just because he’s exotic legged. He is as kind and quiet as the day is long but don’t be fooled into thinking that is all there is to this guy. The heart, the talent and the trainability of this horse is legendary!”

Bank on the Best, better known as “Cash” by those who know him best, makes a statement with just his stunning presence. Cash, is a 8-time World /Reserve World Champion, 2016 AQHA/APHA Stallion sired by Lopin My Best. This elegant and gentle stallion possesses the best combination of quality, structural correctness, and expressive movement. Proof of his excellence was recently showcased at the 2019/2020 APHA World Show where Bank on the Best was named World Champion Green Western Pleasure, World Champion Amateur Performance Stallion, and World Champion Open Performance Stallion.


Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best
Bank On The Best


Bank On The Best

Owned By

Dr. Kathryn A. Sneed
Sneed Equestrian Estates
Collierville, TN


Site Design by Valor Designs  • Photos by Superlative Equine & Impulse Photography

2025 Fee: $1750

Pay for Breeding via Venmo

To Kathryn-Sneed-1

Pay for Breeding via PayPal

2025 Breeding Contract

Digital Breeding Manager:
Carolyn La Rose: 904-226-8483

6 Panel Negative (OLWS Negative) 

Carries W20 Gene 

Homozygous Red (ee) 

Homozygous Agouti (AA)

Eligible for: 

Super Sires, BCF Color, BCF, NSBA Stallion Inf. Southern Belle, Iowa Breeders, APHA Breeders Trust, West Coast Breeders, Go For Gold, Michigan Breeders, Virginia Color Classic, Tom Powers Futurity, Cash For Color